A quiz organized by PNB under category IPGM.27 IPG of Malaysia took part,Chong Wee and I were well blessed entered semi-final and represent our campus for it.
It is a 4 Days 3 Night trip at Kota Bharu Kelantan.At the beginning of the trip,it is quite stressful for us to fight for final qualification.We read lots of book and searching lots of info which related with investment and economic.but,unluckily,we FAILED due to some unfairness.Haiz!
Itz been the second times took part in this contest,although not being success to won the prize and bringing fame to our campus but individually we earned and gained lots!
Overall,it is ENJOYABLE~
5 êêêêê hotel at Kota Bharu named Renaissance Hotel.
5 êêêêêMeal!Yummy yummy~We eating non-stop for the whole day.Breakfast follow wif tea time,then lunch and follow by tea time,dinner follow by supper~Stomach Full!!
Beside quiz,we able to escape out for some shopping such as Wakaf Che Yeh ,where a place wellknown for best selling Batik cloth and fabric.
Pangkalan Kubor,where a small parade for fabric shopping beside Thailand.
The last night before left this Islamic state,I able to join my new friend to KB Mall ~haha~For all,Itz better then BP Mall which have more branded shop.We take a walk back to hotel since it is nearby our hotel.
We took a Malaysia Airlines flight to Kota Bharu.Snapping a last photo before saying Bon Voyage to my dear new friend.Hope to meet ya next year~
Thanks PNB for sponsoring me to this luxury trip which total cost about RM2000++per person.Memorable!Special thanks to my lecturer Pn Jamaliah who always take well care of us along the trip.
Game-show PNB Quiz |
Finalist and the Champion who won RM8000. |